Your generous contribution helps courageous leaders cultivate networks that are actively transforming cities. We believe that change starts locally—with passionate people working to impact their communities—and that these efforts ripple out to influence our world.
Why Support CLC
By investing in City Leaders Collective, your generous contribution helps us identify, equip, and catalyze courageous leaders to cultivate networks that unite the church for the holistic flourishing of cities globally.
To Donate by Check:
Please make checks payable to City Leaders Collective and mail them to:
City Leaders Collective
C/O ForCharlotte, Inc.
7427 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd.
Ste. 105-199
Charlotte, NC 28227123
To Donate by Check:
Please make checks payable to One Way Ministries (With a separate note specifying for City Leaders Collective)
and mail them to:
One Way Ministries
89 Auriga Dr.,
Ottawa, Ontario, K2E 7Z2